{"id":2840,"date":"2022-06-12T08:42:28","date_gmt":"2022-06-12T00:42:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/?p=2840"},"modified":"2023-01-10T16:26:23","modified_gmt":"2023-01-10T08:26:23","slug":"should-jimmy-butler-make-that-3-pointer","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/should-jimmy-butler-make-that-3-pointer\/","title":{"rendered":"Should Jimmy Butler make that 3-pointer?"},"content":{"rendered":"\t\t

Does Butler have other options? Certainly, but with Al Horford receding and both sides exhausted, it was an educated bet that just didn’t pan out. So please be proud of yourself Jimmy Butler, your story is not over, we are all so proud of you.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n


Win or lose<\/a><\/em><\/strong> is perhaps the most suitable phrase to describe Jimmy Butler at the moment. The key three-pointer at the end of Game 7 made him appear on the hot search of major websites in a short period of time.<\/p>\n\n

But it is a pity that this time he is not the winner is king side, and the amazing journey of the Miami Heat has come to an end.<\/p>\n\n

There are 16.6 seconds left in the game, and the score between the two sides is 98-96. No matter which side you are a fan of, when you see Butler’s fast break and pull out, I believe you temporarily stopped breathing.<\/p>\n\n

As for whether to breathe a sigh of relief, or hide your face and regret, it really depends on which side you support. How crucial and nervous the ball was, I believe those who watched the live broadcast will never forget it.<\/p>\n\n

In fact, three minutes before that happened, the Boston Celtics had a 13-point lead, making the game look like it was ending early, but the Heat’s next 11-0 onslaught gave Jimmy Butler a run for his money. Create a great opportunity to overtake<\/p>\n\n

Kyle Lowry made a mid-range jumper and Max Strus added a dunk to cut the lead to single digits. Victor Oladipo, who was resurrected in the playoffs, made a strong attack on the frame, Lowry continued to score, and Strus ran actively and hit a very difficult three-pointer\u2014\u2014<\/p>\n\n

At this point, the Celtics and the Heat have only one ball difference left. They are tied by two points or ahead by three points. It all depends on how the next Play plays.<\/p>\n\n

In Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals, it really was the last pawn. Before the buzzer sounded, it was not known who would die.<\/p>\n\n

Everyone knows the story after that. Butler didn’t make a 3-pointer, and the next play didn’t work, and the Celtics returned to the championship game after 11 years.<\/p>\n\n

The last time they met the Warriors at the Finals was 58 years ago, when Bill Russell defeated Wilt Chamberlain for the 1964 Boxscore.<\/p>\n\n

Butler didn’t score a single point in the Heat’s final 11-0 comeback. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the right to take that crucial shot. After all, without his desperate performance a few days ago, the Heat wouldn’t even have a chance to hit it now.<\/p>\n\n

That’s why Erik Spoelstra left Butler on the floor at the end of the day, letting him play more than 40 minutes in three straight games. It is trust, respect, and a decision that has to be done.<\/p>\n\n

Jimmy Butler is willing to give everything for the Miami Heat, and the 32-year-old is waiting for this day, fighting high and never backing down.<\/p>\n\n

In Game 6, Master Chief<\/strong> Jimmy Butler scored 47 points, 9 assists, 8 rebounds, 4 interceptions and 1 block in 45 minutes and 57 seconds, and made 4 of 8 three-pointers.<\/p>\n\n

He made only one mistake and one foul, creating a classic tie show in the history of the Heat, making the series a 3-3 tie, and the battle line continued to Game 7.<\/p>\n\n

On the last day, he was even more mad. Played for 48 minutes without stopping, contributed 35 points and 9 rebounds. When other players were stagnant, he always had a way to break the deadlock, attacking the rim, pulling jumpers, and getting himself to the free throw line, just like him. That’s what the playoffs did.<\/p>\n\n

In two consecutive life-and-death games, he has obtained 11 free throws. In Game 3 so far, he has only made 3 turnovers and 8 fouls. I really did my best and did everything I could.<\/p>\n\n

To put it more provocatively, we might even argue that Butler gave the Heat a Game 7 to play, without him they wouldn’t be where they are today.<\/p>\n\n

It is a pity that we live in 2022, and as many people admire him, as many people hate him, everything will be presented naked on social media, leaving no time for reaction.<\/p>\n\n

In particular, what everyone is most curious about is, should Butler shoot that 3-pointer? Wouldn’t it be better to be slow?<\/p>\n\n

At present, the positive and negative voices are polarized. Perhaps we can look at this matter from different angles to understand why he choose to do this, rather than simply thinking about what would happen if he invested.<\/p>\n\n

Not all fans in Miami are for Butler, and there are different voices in the US alone.<\/p>\n\n

That shot was a two-pointer<\/strong> in Game 7 of the second round of the Eastern Conference, not the Eastern Conference finals.<\/p>\n\n

Just like the YouTuber Chasing Bear said, Butler really cut, this time he chose a different path, no longer only scored two points, but unexpectedly went to a similar ending.<\/p>\n\n

Three years later, heroic life still hasn’t come to Jimmy Butler, ending his 2022 journey dramatically.<\/p>\n\n

Of course, when comparing these two balls, there are only a few similarities, and it does not mean that they are completely the same. It’s the same opportunity to convert the fast break, and the number of people guarding Butler is different.<\/p>\n\n

Like this time, Butler only faced one player who was really standing in his way, Al Horford, and Horford chose to retreat to prevent Butler from passing him directly.<\/p>\n\n

Horford probably thought that even if Butler made a sudden stop and shot, he could still rely on his wingspan to interfere with it — he never thought that Butler actually shot, but he didn’t make it in the end, which still caused a cold sweat.<\/p>\n\n

Judging by the shift in focus, Butler’s confidence comes from a source. Because Horford, who continued to step back, gave himself more time to adjust, even if it was only half a step. Since the opponent strategically chose to put in, there was no reason not to take a look.<\/p>\n\n

It’s a well-founded bet, not a brain-rushing attack that ignores the seconds — but alas, it’s not Butler that wins this time, it’s Horford who holds the lead.<\/p>\n\n

So if attacking time is taken into account, rather than just the advantage of the matchup, does Butler have other options?<\/p>\n\n

That is of course certain.<\/p>\n\n

The intuition of most fans may also be to support this option, expecting Butler to slow down and organize a wave of half-court battles.<\/p>\n\n

Like attracting Jaylen Brown, passing to Oladipo, who is in good shape, shooting straight, finding other teammates, and even looking for free throws — the possibilities are almost infinite.<\/p>\n\n

But the Celtics can reach today’s situation. Team defense is the key. Whether the Heat call a timeout or not, they may not be able to crack their deployment.<\/p>\n\n

If you don’t grasp this small gap, maybe you will make mistakes in the passing process, but the gains will outweigh the losses.<\/p>\n\n

Some fans may also think that Butler can get a two-point shot, and maybe he can earn a 2+1 if he cuts Horford hard. This way, it is also a three-pointer, which is much better than directly spraying the outside line.<\/p>\n\n

If Butler ends the offense this way, and does score firmly, perhaps there will be more consistent, more united praise for his decision online.<\/p>\n\n

But like Haralabos Voulgaris lamented, he tweeted after the game:<\/p>\n\n


Everyone is saying, Butler will have an And 1 if he gets in, which just shows how much modern people care about the outcome<\/em><\/strong>.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n

It’s not just this three-pointer that really made the Heat fail to advance. This is a good shot choice, but unfortunately it failed to do so.<\/p>\n\n

From the current matchup situation, I think Butler’s three-point shot is a pretty reasonable choice — after all, he also knows that even if he gets a two-point shot, he will be able to hold it and play an extension. The team may not be able to hold it.<\/p>\n\n

But if the three-pointer hits this time, the pressure will be thrown back on the Celtics’ side, and the situation will be very different.<\/p>\n\n

If someone wants to take on this shot, then I will do it.<\/p>\n\n

Butler was the best player on both teams for the rest of the series. He has done enough to earn the trust of coaches, teammates and fans.<\/p>\n\n

He absolutely has the right to make this decision, this is an opportunity he has won for himself, and no one will question his ability.<\/p>\n\n

In another parallel universe, Butler might have been held up by his teammates, as Derrick Rose in 2015, greeted the home court cheers with a deadpan expression. The NBA has since added another classic, adding another legendary moment in Butler’s career.<\/p>\n\n

Jimmy Butler’s transition 3 hit 47%, it just happened today on 53%, that’s all for today, thanks to the stats from next door in Northern California.<\/p>\n\n

We don’t know if it will be better next time, but this could be the start of another story.<\/p>\n\n

Jimmy Butler please look up and be proud of yourself, your story is not over and we are all proud of you.<\/p>\n\n

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Does Butler have other options? Sure, but with Al Horford backing down and both exhausted, it was an educated bet that didn’t pan out.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":5008,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"rank_math_lock_modified_date":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[22],"tags":[50,51,80,82,190,43,53,227,52,49,228,230,229],"class_list":["post-2840","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-sports-betting-tips-strategies-guide","tag-best-online-sports-betting-sites","tag-best-sportsbook-in-the-philippines","tag-jimmybutler","tag-kylelowry","tag-maxstrus","tag-nba","tag-nba-betting-advice","tag-nba-betting-analysis","tag-nba-game-analysis","tag-online-sports-betting","tag-sports-betting","tag-sports-betting-industry","tag-sports-betting-odds"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2840"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=2840"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2840\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/5008"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=2840"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=2840"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/phyz888.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=2840"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}